No Need of car / pas besoin de voiture

  VILLA RIMA plays preferably the sustainable tourism card! We primarily welcome environmentally friendly people.

In Nice, you don't need no car ! the comon transport are excellent and from the Villa Rima you are near all the attractions of the city (go on the page bus for more details about the bus going in the region)
A Nice pas besoin de voiture ! la villa est proche de toutes les attractions et les transports en commun sont bon marché et excellents (aller sur la page bus pour les visites de la region)

Here some examples of little walk not far away  
Ci-dessous quelques exemples de petites ballades toute proches 

1) go to Place Garibaldi, cross it and continue on rue Cassini ! you come direct on the port of Nice with the beautiful "Place of the Ile de Beauté" and the church ! then you can walk around , have a look on the boats and choose the right part (then you can make a walk untill the hill of the castle) or go to the left and visit behind the port the nice landscapes along the boulevard Franck Pilatte. If you are courageous, take a walk untill Mont Boron and Fort du Mont Alban

2) Old city : if you are for a short time in Nice, reserve the old city for the evenings and your dinner (see my list of recommanded restaurant) , then the atmosphere during the night is particulary nice and lively

3) Visit Nice and have a look in the museums !! they are free !! 
- just near Villa Rima,  there is a nice walking area with the theater, the museum of modern art (MAMAC) :  go untill the top of the museum you will have a wounderful View on the old city and the sea ! have a look on the works of the best known french artists

- Take the bus 17 in the rue Pauliani and go untill the terminus (Arènes de Cimiez). There you will find the "musee Matisse" and musee of archeology (both free) , the nice monastery with its wounderful garden and a wounderful view on Nice

- Take the tram or walk untill the Place Massena, from there go to the Negresco (beautiful hotel on the sea) , just near, you have got the Musee Massena

Gay area :  rue Bonaparte 

Shopping : Old city, around Place Massena and rue de France / centre Nice Etoile